سدة الكتابة نسرين طافش تتصدر جوجل بعد منعها من السفر بمصر.. وقرار من النائب العام ديربي إسكندرية.. شاهد مباراة الاتحاد وسموحة في الدوري المصري توتنهام يتصدر جوجل قبل المباراة المصيرية مع مانشستر سيتي الليلة بتوجيه من مدبولي.. حملات ترويجية مصرية لسياحة اليخوت عالميا جاءت قبل موعدها بعام.. تفاصيل العاصفة الشمسية التي تضرب الأرض أستاذ أمراض: 9% من المصريين مصابين بأنيميا البحر المتوسط.. وهذه خطورته أرصاد مصر: ارتفاع تدريجي لدرجات الحرارة بداية من الجمعة المقبلة
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Shaikha Ghanim Al-Kubaisi

I am Palestine

Hands were tainted and corruption prevailed in the apple box I staked on. Rot spread and expanded after worms infested it. Our era lost its purity and now it flaunts its victories and imposes its dominance. It shed my blood and displaced my children. I lost my initial innocence in front of their eyes. They distanced from me gradually until my

Reset Your Settings

We often come across souls we have never known, and faces we've never recognized before, falling in love with words without considering who wrote them or what inspired them to put them down, and what lies beneath them. We cry with eyes we've never seen, sharing moments with them, sending our kindest intentions, hoping our feelings

Be Gentle with Your Souls

Often, an electrical machine operates like a turbo when it's new, proving to you the robustness of its parts and the authenticity of its material. If you leave it running all day, it won't complain. However, as the days and consecutive months go by, it might scream with high temperatures, asking for some rest or external support like

Was the future more beautiful in the past?

Our stories did not begin to end. Every day we have a story, tales, and narratives. Past experiences have filled our hearts with their sorrow to toughen us, and we tasted their bitterness for the benefit of those who follow. Our souls also delighted in the purity of their joys that flowed through our veins like balm, refreshing and

To My Father

To the great heart and fortified fortress that clung to my name, establishing its base, strengthening its pillars, and crafting its history. To the one whose memory continues to console me whenever nostalgia overwhelms me and my suffering prolongs. My pen humbles itself and bows down before you, apologetic... We have disrupted your

Turn the Page

We are not supernatural, we admit our limited abilities and annoying mood swings. We pride ourselves on the multiplicity of roles and bearing burdens. Despite our fragility, we challenge ourselves and drive ourselves to the secret Guantanamo prisons for discipline and torture, reaffirming resilience in the face of crossroads and their iron